
RichRelevance provides merchants with personalization technology, to produce the best user experience.

  • Unified platform for personalization.
  • Personalized recommendations based on the interests of your audience.
  • Real-time optimization of your campaigns for each type of consumer.
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Web marketing brand marketing mobile marketing display personalized marketing

RichRelevance allows you to manage informations displayed on your website, enabling you to customize your offers by collecting data on your customers.

This service allows you to modify all your communication channels in real time, and present specific content based on the user. The intelligent platform gives you access to the data, allowing you to improve your campaigns in real time.


RichRelevance is a service that enables you to customize your online image. It allows you to adjust your advertisements depending on the type of customer who is viewing them. In this way, you can utilize the specific characteristics of your customers to increase your return on investment. Moreover, speaking the desired language of your client increases their loyalty.

RichRelevance allows you to influence users on your site, whether on mobile or through a browser. This solution analyzes the behavior of users in real time, and offers products that will best suit each user. The analysis of the user continues as they travel through the site, and recommendation strategies can be varied to better suit their needs.

This service also enables you to pay special attention to the user, in order to propose specific promotions. These promotions increase customer loyalty, and you can also offer authentic content based on client interests. Thus, each experience is different and customized, causing your users to feel unique.

RichRelevance can provide assistance in your transition to their software, helping you learn how to use the most advanced features.


Usage based
The price varies per thousands of page views.

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